Pre & Post Operation
Before your operation please read the information provided to you when booking your surgery. This includes important details including your informed financial consent, the Wesley patient information handbook, surgical consent forms and bowel preparation instructions.
What to bring to your first visit
You will need a referral letter from your general practitioner. If your doctor has sent this referral to us prior to your appointment, please call us on (07) 3870 5602 to make sure we have received it.
Patient Information
You will need a referral letter from your general practitioner. If your doctor has sent this referral to us prior to your appointment, please call us on (07) 3870 5602 to make sure we have received it.
Please bring along any results or reports you may have, including x-ray and ultrasound scans relevant to your health.
Please give at least 24 hours’ notice if cancelling or changing an appointment.
Medicare claims can be processed for eligible patients through my rooms.
It can often be an overwhelming and daunting task to organise your results, files and information when coming to see a specialist. People aren’t always sure as to what they need to bring. Download the attached form where you can check what to bring to your appointment.